Take your business to the world
With our domain services, you are sure of your business being linked to the world. The entire world is a global village. Take your place in the global world. Check out our Domain services below and utilize the offers at a moderate price.
OUR DomAIN services
Domain Name Registration
A Domain name is unique name used to identify a website or any other information reserved on the internet. It is used to identify you or your business on the internet. It is what appears in the address bar when visiting a website.
With us you get the domain names on a considerably cheaper rate. They however need to be renewed every year or so. If the domain name is not renewed before the renewal period expires, the domain name becomes available to anybody.
Domain Migration
We carry out highly automated domain transfer services. We do this with our eyes fixed on ensuring zero downtime to your services while the transfer process is carried out.
If you are confused on why the need for domain transfer, our helpful support team will clear the web for you.
Whois service
Whois databases store contact info for the owners of all registered domains. Name, address, phone number and email address are all listed. Whois also contains domain availability status, registration/expiration dates and related info.
Relax and allow us do the rigorous work of searching for the right domain name and availability of same .
our expertise
With us you get the domain names on a considerably cheaper rate. They however need to be renewed every year or so. If the domain name is not renewed before the renewal period expires, the domain name becomes available to anybody.
Quick domain migration
We carry out highly automated domain transfer services. We do this with our eyes fixed on ensuring zero downtime to your services while the transfer process is carried out.Trust us for a seamless domain mirgation
Good Assistance for domain name search
We help our client carry out domain name search. We check for a suitable domain name for your business and the availability of same. Sit tight and allow us do this for you